Hello 2019!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Hello 2019, Please be good to me!

Woke up today, got the nagging urge to log in to my blog and I glance through my fingers at the date of the last post. So long in fact that Blogger has had a face lift, and I'm navigating the new version as a blogging rookie, that's how far off the wagon I've fallen.

It's been a while since I posted, and I apologize for my absence. My personal computer had been lingering in a coma for weeks in 2017 and I wasn’t able to log in to any of my social media, which is a blessing in disguise when I think of it now.

 Basically, I hit some rough waters and I needed to take a time out from everything for a breather. The cold hard truth is my life has changed. So, I took a long break to try to get in some much-needed ‘me-time’, to relax, rejuvenate, reflect and revive.

But all is well now! Bought a new phone and laptop and just started blogging again. Stay tune!


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