11.11.11 Postmarked Postcards

Thursday, 31 May 2012

well, this post so looooooong overdue.. lol... but I'm glad to share it with all of you now.. :p

My postmark Collecting Preferences

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

My postmark Collecting Preferences

I love to received postcards and envelopes with specific dates postmarked cancellation. Some dates are difficult to find, because it may falls on Sundays or holidays.

I'd done the 11.11.11 and  29.02.2012 (Leap Year Day ) as well as 23.04.2012 (Unesco World Book Day). For future, I plan to collect / swap on the dates of my sons & family birthday and wedding anniversaries.

Pictorial Postmarks

I like to received postcards and envelopes with Cancellations that include pictures or graphics as part of the postmark. Such are issued for a limited time in specific locations to celebrate specific times or events, or for in conjunction with a new stamp issue.

2012 USA States Map Postcards Quest

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Dear Friends,

Last year I have completed my quest of collecting the 50 USA Map postcards, unwritten sent in envelope.. WHY in envelope?  because I collect stamps too :P

This year , however I would love to collect written & stamped Map postcards, SEND FROM USA.. :)

It will be great if you can help me with my WRITTEN & STAMPED - US states Map Postcards that I'm still missing from my collection..

1-AL-Alabama - COMING SOON from Laura H


3-AZ-Arizona- COMING SOON from Laura H

4-AR-Arkansas- COMING SOON from Terry B.Lovell




8-DE-Delaware- COMING SOON from Laura H


10-GA-Georgia- DONE!

11-HI-Hawaii - DONE!



14-IN-Indiana - COMING SOON from Laura H




18-LA-Louisiana- DONE!

19-ME-Maine- DONE!

20-MD-Maryland- COMING SOON from Kylie


22-MI-Michigan - COMING SOON from Laura H


24-MS-Mississippi - COMING SOON from Laura H

25-MO-Missouri - COMING SOON from Laura H



28-NV-Nevada- DONE!

29-NH-New Hampshire- DONE!

30-NJ-New Jersey-  COMING SOON from Kylie

31-NM-New Mexico

32-NY-New York - COMING SOON from Laura H

33-NC-North Carolina

34-ND-North Dakota - COMING SOON from Ria C

35-OH-Ohio - COMING SOON from Laura H


37-OR-Oregon - DONE!

38-PA-Pennsylvania COMING SOON from Kylie

39-RI-Rhode Island

40-SC-South Carolina- DONE!

41-SD-South Dakota

42-TN-Tennessee - DONE!

43-TX-Texas - DONE!


45-VT-Vermont - COMING SOON from Bluebelle Postcards

46-VA-Virginia - COMING SOON from Laura H


48-WV-West Virginia COMING SOON from Kylie

49- WI -Wisconsin - COMING SOON  from Laura H

50- WY -Wyoming

Thanks in advance for your help!

Did You Know Postcards

Monday, 28 May 2012

I love to collect this type of postcards for my sons.. it's beautiful and full with information.. It's good for teaching aids too.. 

PS : These are from last years swap. Finally I have some free time during the school holiday to scan it. Will scan more again in future :P

School Holidays

Friday, 25 May 2012

Hurray!! It's school holidays (26th May - 10th June).. will be going back to my hometown tomorrow.. ♥

May Received Postcards

Friday, 25 May 2012

May 2012 

  •  25.05.2012 - Heather Massese
Heather , I've been searching for the stamps for 2 years and Thanks to you I now have it in my collection! Thank You so much for the Mini sheet of Micro Monsters ! ♥ and I also love the postcards you sent too.. it's beautiful.. :) ♥

  •  25.05.2012 - Tina Fe
Tina Fe, I received the beautiful garden postcard today! Thanks a lot! :)
  • 25.05.3012 - Monique Phitdis
 Today I received 7 written and stamped postcards from Cyprus! Thanks to Monique ♥ Hope you'll received the envelope I sent soon. ^-^
  • 24.05.2012 - Lene Schwartz Christensen
 Hurray I have postcards from Slovakia & Bosnia, Thanks to the wonderful Lene! ♥ Thanks a million! 
  •  24.05.2012 - Mandy Inglis
 Mandy , I received your World Book Day postcard (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland).. I love the stamp too (Matilda - Roald Dahl) ♥

  •  24.05.2012 - Melanie Becker
 Melanie , I received your envelope with Titanic postcards today. Thanks for your help. I'm sure my friend Jodes will love it! ♥
  • 24.05.2012 - Atsumi Imai

Atsumi, I received your Hello Kitty postcard today! Thanks ♥ and Oh I love the Hello Kitty stamps too! :)

  •  24.05.2012 - Barbel Plinke

    Bärbel , I received two postcards from you today! Totally love it! Thanks a million! ♥

  • 22.05.2012 - Hanna Piasecka
 I received 3 postcards from Hanna today! Absolutely gorgeous!
  • 08.05.2012 - True Sun
amazing mail received today! ♥ Thanks to True Sun .. Yes, I received your envelope with the postmarked 29.02.2012, the envelope we thought "lost".. apparently the envelope decide to take a little 'vacation' before reaching it destination... Since you'd re-send the envelope, now , I owe you 8 more postcards .. :) please choose 8 postcards from my albums and I'll mail it out on my next mailing day.. ♥

  • 08.05.2012 - Alexandra-Nektaria Tzanoudakis
Thanks Alexandra-Nektaria Tzanoudakis, for the 6 beautiful postcards from Greece.. Love it so much! Hope you'll received my envelopes soon ♥ 
  • 08.05.2012 - Mandy Inglis
To my Fabulous Mandy ♥, today I received 5 postcards and 4 M/S from you.. ♥ ♥ I specially love the Thomas and Tank M/S and the 3D M/S.. the postcards are exquisite.. Thanks for sharing it with me! :)
  • 08.05.2012 - Ludmila Zaitseva
Books... 2 amazing story books from the very kind Ludmila Zaitseva ♥ I'm sure my sons will love it.. thanks for sharing it with me... really appreciated it.. ♥ will send Egor a package with books very soon.. :)

  • 08.05.2012 - Bernadeta Saletnik
9 Precious Pope John Paul II postcards received from Bernadeta Saletnik ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank You so much for sharing it with me.. :) will send your envelope as soon as the pc I ordered arrives ♥ Thanks for your understanding..

  • 08.05.2012 - Zasa Lein
'Zasa Lein', another beautiful rainbow pc from you.. I'll send you more pc once the pc I ordered has arrives.. :) Thanks a lot! ♥
  •  08.05.2012 - Andrea Walsh Dowell
 Thanks Andrea Walsh-Dowell for the breath taking rainbow pc.. love it! Hope you'll received my postcards soon.. Thanks! ♥
  • 08.05.2012 - Chloe Osano
 Chloe Osano, I received your Edger Allen Poe pc (World Book Day Swap) today ♥ Thank you so much! Hope you'll received my postcards very soon ♥ ♥
  • 04.05.2012 - Envelopes
 Million thanks to the amazing mails received... I received envelopes from: Christel (birthday card, sticker and handmade card for my son ♥), Laura (15 amazing postcards), True Sun (16 re-send postcards, really appreciated your kindness & thanks for being so thoughtful), Ludmila (4 great art postcards), Olga Anatolievna (finally I received 2 postcards of Kremlin ♥) Carrie (birthday card for my son), Ewa (6 glorious Pope John Paul II postcards), Alyona (12 art & Romanov postcards), 2x160g Sour Strip Candy from the fab Nicole Hansell (gonna bake the rainbow cupcakes this weekend, thanks for your help ♥ ), and last but not least I also received the World Book Night book - Room by Emma Donoghue, from the amazing Mandy Inglis ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm bless with so many great friends..

  •  04.05.2012 - Written and stamped
I also received tons of written and stamped postcards from: John Massey (1 - love the Threave Castle♥), Regina Burgdorf (Namibia Rainbow), Vincy (1), Monique Phitidis (Hurray! My first written & stamped postcard from Cyprus), Rana Reda (Alexander the great from Egypt) and My Jonathan also received birthday postcards from :Laura (Nemo), Sadie Ponce (Nemo & Mickey), Peifen Lin (1 cutey postcard) Ola Majewska (1 smurf), Yongshan Chang (1) and 'Zasa Lein' (1)... and Hannah Trott (world book day swap & Harry Potter & Ginny ♥), Stefanie Langenberg (3 amazing postcards books), Yvonne Zowalla (great books postcard), Anna Kurtisa (1 Irish Writers postcard), Veronica (1 Daddy Long Leg), Sadie Ponce (1 world book day swap)... Thanks everyone! ♥ ♥ ♥

Traveling Envelope RR

Monday, 21 May 2012


What do You need to do:

1.      Choose an envelope /cover

2.      It helps to put a piece of card inside the envelope to keep it from getting bent

3.       Be sure to write your return address ,  group name on the back of your own envelope

4.      Work from one end of the envelope and try to work around, making sure to leave enough room for more stamps and addresses.

5.      Use neat, clear writing when you address the envelopes.

6.      You will also be receiving the other members envelopes – COVER UP THE ADDRESS WITH STAMPS and once again send along to the next person.

7.      The last participant finally sends it back to you and you’ll end up with an interesting cover filled with beautiful stamps and various postal markings - a nice addition to your cover collection!

Updates are required!  Please write in here when you have sent and received your covers.

P/S If you run into any issues and need more time to send your envelopes just let me know :)


These  are some sample of the envelope that you'll received by the end of this Traveling Envelope RR :)


Books are Our Bestfriends!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

These are my collection of postcards showing people / animal reading.. :) Thanks to my amazing friends!

“Isn't it odd how much fatter a book gets when you've read it several times?" Mo had said..."As if something were left between the pages every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells...and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there, too, a slightly younger self, slightly different, as if the book had preserved you like a pressed flower...both strange and familiar.”
― Cornelia Funke, Inkspell

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