Happy 32th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

This special anniversary wish come with love for my parents! Happy 32th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

We never know
Or fully realize
How sweet and kind our parents are,
How gentle and how wise
We simply take for granted,
From day to passing day,
Each sacrifice they make for us
In their own loving way.
But then we grow and finally learn,
The way that children do,
How much their love has really meant,
How thoughtful they've been, too -
And so this comes with all the thanks
You both deserve and more.
For there aren't two dearer parents
Than the two of you
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad !

Asia Map cards received ♥

Monday, 28 November 2011

Here are my Asia Map cards received with ♥ 

Oceania Map cards received ♥

Monday, 28 November 2011

I love to collect map cards so much.. with my sons still so young, I rarely got the chance to travel abroad.. collecting map cards is my way of traveling the world.. :-)

Europe Map cards received ♥

Monday, 28 November 2011

So, I have some free time today.. and decided to scan my map postcards collection.. there are so many of them.. it took me about 15 minutes to scan the map cards ^^ Here are my Europe map cards received these past few months.. 

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