December Memories

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Remembering December 2018, That love weighs more than gold!

Stay Fit and Healthy!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

My 2019 stay fit and healthy meals plan..
current weight: 64kg
ideal weight : 54kg
Good luck 😋

Hello 2019!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Hello 2019, Please be good to me!

Woke up today, got the nagging urge to log in to my blog and I glance through my fingers at the date of the last post. So long in fact that Blogger has had a face lift, and I'm navigating the new version as a blogging rookie, that's how far off the wagon I've fallen.

It's been a while since I posted, and I apologize for my absence. My personal computer had been lingering in a coma for weeks in 2017 and I wasn’t able to log in to any of my social media, which is a blessing in disguise when I think of it now.

 Basically, I hit some rough waters and I needed to take a time out from everything for a breather. The cold hard truth is my life has changed. So, I took a long break to try to get in some much-needed ‘me-time’, to relax, rejuvenate, reflect and revive.

But all is well now! Bought a new phone and laptop and just started blogging again. Stay tune!

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