Amazingly Unique!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

received this via official postcrossing.. :) Message in a bottle...

Message in a Bottle

Friday, 23 March 2012

Thanks Leena for this awesome card!

Message in a Bottle

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Thanks Shizuru for this beautiful card! Love the quote too!

Candy Candy

Monday, 19 March 2012

Candy Candy is a manga that I used to love and read when I was young.. I never thought there was a postcard about it!

 I was so lucky to swap it with Amandine, Anita and Tzu Feng Pang... Yes, I have 3 copies of this postcard.. 

The more the merrier.. lol :)

The Candy Candy manga is a "slice of life story" in the shōjo genre. Candy is an abandoned orphan taken in by the orphanage Pony's Home near Lake Michigan around the start of the 20th century.[3] 

She spends the first years of her life at the orphanage, where she will often return to repose and decide her next course in life. Growing up she gets adopted twice, first by the Leagans who treat her poorly, and after that by a wealthy benefactor whom she does not meet until the end of the story. But he is heir to an important estate, and a relation of her first love Anthony and his cousins the Cornwell brothers. 

After Anthony dies, Candy gets an education in London where she meets the rebellious Terry, her second and grand love (in the words of the author Keiko Nagita/Kyoko Mizuki in the essays found on Misaki's website,[4] "the great love that cannot bear fruit"). Circumstances seem to constantly divide the pair. 

Upon her return to the US, she trains and gains experience as a nurse in Chicago, around the time of WWI,[3] while Terry tries to become a Broadway actor. A member of his theatre troup, Susannah, hopes to get between Candy and Terry.

 Eventually both have to make a decision to sacrifice their own happiness as a couple for the sake of a third person. With the revelation of the identity of her guardian, Candy also discovers who her childhood Prince of the Hill is.

Stairways to Heaven

Monday, 19 March 2012

My personal Collection of postcards features garden steps / stairways..

Thanks Yvi for this beautiful card!

Thanks a lot for the amazing card Clarissa!

Shizuru , I love this! Thanks!

Another Great card from Yvi!

My 1st Garden Stair postcard!! Thanks to the fab Sally!

Will travel on 19th March 2012

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Okay, this is my first time ever to organized such RR.. Hopefully it will travel fast and safe.. :)
Group 1 - Bird / Flower / Nature stamps  (water activated stamps)

1. Erica Chan (Malaysia)

2. Ria Cabral (USA)
3. Choonjong Park (Korea)

4. Abran Ochoa (USA)

Group 2 - Animals & etc stamps

1. Erica Chan (Malaysia)

2. Mandy Inglis (UK) = completed :)

3.  Alba Nogueira (Spain) = completed :)

4.Chloe Osano (Phillipines)

Purplicious Weekend

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Beauty Tips

Friday, 9 March 2012

Beauty Tips from Audrey Hepburn

Happy Woman Day!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

08th March.. Happy Women's Day to all the women around the world ! ♥ Thanks for being a part of my life my dear amazing friends..

Chain Postcard RR

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


1. You have to take a big card (a card you like, because in the end the card returns to you) and divide the back of the card into 4 columns. (depending on the number of participants)

2. In 1 column you write the address of the next participant and paste stamps on it.
The other columns you leave empty.

3. Please REMEMBER to write the name of the RR on your postcard.. for example : ERICA'S 3RD CHAIN POSTCARD RR..

So for your postcard : You can just replace my name to your name.. e.g RIA'S CHAIN POSTCARD RR  etc ... please write it somewhere on the postcard :)

4.Then you send the card to the next participant.

5. When it arrives there, he or she will cover his/her address with stickers or COVER UP THE ADDRESS WITH STAMPS .

6. In another column he/she will write the address of the third participant ,  and send it to the next person.

7. The last participant finally sends it back to you and you’ll have your own card back, full with stickers and foreign stamps.

You’ll also receive the cards of the other participants. The only thing you’ve to do is cover up your own address, write the address of the next participant in an empty column put stamps on it and send it through.

-If you like to join,  send me a pm with your address.
-Please send cards within one week.
-If you have received or sent cards please make update in this notes.
- The cards in this RR travel a few weeks/months, so only join this RR when you are active in this topic for a while!


NOTE: This is an example of the back of the postcard you will receive at the end of this Chain Postcard RR :)

March Received Postcards

Friday, 2 March 2012

March 2012 (Took a break from swapping)

  • 02.03.2012
Thanks to Pascal for the 10 recipe cards, Jiaqi Sally for the card from the scene of "Gone with Wind", Bridget for the 2 amazing cards, Anemieke for the Thomas and tank and Adam Levine cards, Maryana for the awesome 5 cards, Regina for the delicious Black Forest recipe card and Ro Hsieh for 2 great odd shaped cards..

  • 04.03.2012
Thanks Bridget for the 2 amazing cards! I love it.. will send you more cards soon :)

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