5 Lessons to learn from Humble Pencil ~~♥

Sunday, 30 October 2011

 5 Lessons to learn from Humble Pencil ~~♥

1. Everything you do will always leave a mark
2. You can always correct the mistakes you make (just turn the pencil around)
3. What is important is what is inside you and not outside of you
4. In life you will undergo painful sharpening which will make you better in what you do.
5. To be the best you can be, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the Hand (God) that holds you.

Will You Let God Hold Your Hand?

Sunday, 30 October 2011

One day you were crossing a bridge with God. You were scared so you asked GOD, “Can I hold your hand so I won’t fall into the river?”

GOD said, “No my child, I should hold your hand…”

You asked, “What’s the difference?”

GOD replied, “If you hold my hand and something happens, you might let go. If I hold your hand, no matter what happens, I’ll never let go….”

It is not GOD who let go and distance himself from us, it is us.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we forget HE is there! But GOD loves us. He is steadfast and faithful. As the Bible says, For God said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” – Hebrews 13:5

The question is not “Are you holding on to God’s hand?” but “Are you letting God hold your hand?" ~~♥

Message in a Bottle

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Ever since I saw and read "Message in a Bottle" by Nicholas Spark, I always love it! Now, I am just started to collect it via postcards.. :)

Thanks Christel for sending me my first 'Message in a Bottle' postcard! :)

More recipe cards received ^^v

Friday, 28 October 2011

I've received more recipe cards. Thank You so much My friends

Thanks Laura Hall!

Thanks Chloe Osano!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Willa Stock!

Thanks Kori McArthur!

Thanks Lori Fournier!

Thanks Ines Rudloff!

Thanks Kori McArthur!

Thanks Kori McArthur!

Need Help! US State Map Cards!

Saturday, 22 October 2011


Dear Friends,
It will be great if you can help me with the US state Map Cards that I'm still missing from my collection..

2-AK-Alaska - DONE!
3-AZ-Arizona - DONE!
4-AR-Arkansas -DONE!
5-CA-California DONE!
6-CO-Colorado -DONE!
7-CT-Connecticut -DONE!
8-DE-Delaware - DONE!
10-GA-Georgia- COMING SOON!
11-HI-Hawaii - DONE!
12-ID-Idaho- DONE!
13-IL-Illinois - DONE!
15-IA-Iowa DONE!
17-KY-Kentucky- DONE!
19-ME-Maine - DONE!
20-MD-Maryland - DONE!
21-MA-Massachusetts- DONE!
22-MI-Michigan- DONE!
23-MN-Minnesota DONE!
24-MS-Mississippi -DONE!
25-MO-Missouri- DONE!
29-NH-New Hampshire- DONE!
30-NJ-New Jersey - DONE!
31-NM-New Mexico - DONE!
32-NY-New York- DONE!
33-NC-North Carolina  
34-ND-North Dakota 
35-OH-Ohio - DONE!
36-OK-Oklahoma - DONE!
37-OR-Oregon - DONE!
38-PA-Pennsylvania- DONE!
39-RI-Rhode Island - DONE!
40-SC-South Carolina- DONE!
41-SD-South Dakota- DONE!
43-TX-Texas - DONE!
44-UT-Utah -DONE!
45-VT-Vermont - DONE!
46-VA-Virginia - DONE!
48-WV-West Virginia- DONE!
49- WI -Wisconsin - DONE!
50- WY -Wyoming

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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